Companionship: Sister Sharon Park and Erin Maguire

“At one point when all the bishops were gathered, we started talking about what can we do to really walk our talk in terms of the life issues. And certainly knowing that we’re pro-life, but we have a broad base for pro-life. It doesn’t mean just the anti-abortion part – it certainly does mean that, but also, all of life: how do we help, how do we actually walk our talk with that? Can we work with women who are pregnant, and then with their families, up to the child’s fifth birthday? And that was a huge emphasis, because it really said, we’re going to work on the justice issues of poverty in our county, and also work on the life issues of maintaining life.

This is what we do – because of the love of God, this is what we do.”

Sister Sharon Park

Sister Sharon Park and Erin Maguire sit down in an interview with Sacred Heart Radio to talk about their work with PREPARES. Sister Sharon Park was one of the original visionaries that formed the idea of PREPARES, and Erin Maguire was the director of the PREPARES program at the time of the interview.


PREPARES for Life: An Interview with Bishop Tyson


Sanctity of Life: Lisa Green